
Journey into Poetry

What happens when two dear friends commit to writing 30 poems in 30 days using daily prompts in honor of National Poetry Month? Journey into Poetry: 60 Poems in 30 Days offers one possible answer to that question.

Journey into Poetry is a window into what can be created by finding a way to write a little something every day. It’s a look at two poets’ semi-polished work, shared in the hope that it might inspire others who are curious to just get started.

In addition to the 60 poems they created, the book features more than 120 writing prompts to help spark one’s own imagination and perhaps encourage others to take their own journeys into the wondrous world of poetry.

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The Ally Within by Chloé McFeters

The Ally Within: A Coloring Book Journal for Living with Autoimmune Related Diseases

If you are one of the millions of people around the world (upwards of twenty-three million in the U.S. alone) who have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (or multiple autoimmune diseases), you know all too well the uncertainties, adjustments, trials, and see-sawing emotions of coping with the disease’s effects.

The Ally Within invites you to reflect gently upon your circumstances, and take respite in the calming activity of coloring. The book’s journal prompts are designed to invite you to write about the practical and emotional aspects of living with an autoimmune-related disease. The mandalas and abstract patterns provide an opportunity to disengage from concerns and fears, allowing your mind and senses to flow with colors and creative self-discovery.

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C is for Courage by Chloé McFeters

C is for Courage: A Coloring Book Journal for Living with Cancer

From the moment of diagnosis, cancer is a roller-coaster ride of emotions, changing plans and circumstances, as one copes with the pains, problems and challenges of the disease. C is for Courage offers a place to step off of the ride, a portable sanctuary for artful distraction and a platform for quiet contemplation of life in the face of the uncertainties that living with, fighting, and surviving the disease present.

The journal prompts are designed to invite you to write about the practical and emotional aspects of the journey with cancer. The mandalas and abstract patterns offer a means to disengage from concerns and fears and let the mind and senses flow with colors and creative self-discovery.

C is for Courage is a quiet, gentle ally for processing the experience of cancer.

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Dear Heart by Chloé McFeters

Dear Heart: A Coloring Book Journal for Living with Heart Disease

Being diagnosed with heart disease can be disorienting and overwhelming. Medical treatment and unpredictable life changes can give rise to many frustrations and anxieties. Dear Heart offers a quiet shelter, a portable sanctuary for artful distraction and gentle contemplation in which to take heart and nurse your spirits.

The journal prompts are designed to invite you to write about the practical and emotional aspects of coping with heart disease. The mandalas and abstract patterns provide a means to disengage from concerns and fears and let the mind and senses flow with colors and creative self-discovery.

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Led By Love by Chloé McFeters

Led by Love: A Coloring Book Journal for Family Caregivers

Caring for a family member or loved one can be rewarding and life-affirming in many ways. It can also be consuming and stressful. Finding time for yourself can be difficult. If you are a caregiver for a loved one, finding a few minutes a day to focus on your own needs can be very important.

Led by Love offers a portable refuge from the demands of the day that you can visit as you are able. The journal’s writing prompts are designed to invite you to write about the practical and emotional aspects of caregiving. The mandalas and abstract patterns offer an opportunity to disengage from challenges, fears, and stresses of the day, allowing your mind and senses to flow with colors and self-exploration.

Led by Love is a private companion for the caregiver’s journey, helping you care for yourself while you care for others.

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Beyond the Call by Chloé McFeters

Beyond the Call: A Coloring Book Journal for Women Who Have Served in the Military

Separation from military service can present many opportunities and challenges, whether you were discharged recently or have been out for some time. Beyond The Call offers women Veterans a creative outlet for reflecting on those opportunities and challenges in a life-affirming way.

The journal prompts are designed to invite you to write about your experiences. The mandalas and abstract patterns let your mind and senses flow with colors and creative self-discovery.

Beyond the Call is a portable resource for women Veterans to explore their thoughts and feelings during and after their transition from military service.

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Still, But Not Silent by Chloé McFeters

Still But Not Silent: A Coloring Book Journal for Survivors of Domestic Violence

If you are a survivor of domestic violence or partner abuse, you know all too well that the struggles don’t necessarily end when you leave the person who abused you. The realities of what has been lost, learned, and endured take time to digest. There are challenges to face, emotions to sift through, and a new life to build.

Still, But Not Silent provides a creative outlet for exploring one’s experience with domestic violence. The journal prompts invite reflection on your experience with abuse, and your goals and dreams for your life moving forward. The mandalas and abstract patterns offer a means to let the mind and senses flow with colors, creative discovery, and self-acceptance.

Still, But Not Silent is a quiet, supportive, portable ally for recognizing, owning, and building your strength, finding inner stillness, and freeing your voice.

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A Vision of Twilight: A Guided Coloring Book Journal for Exploring End-of-life Planning and Care

For many, end-of-life planning and care can be understandably uncomfortable subjects. Yet, many still appreciate the value and clarity in recording their thoughts, plans, and feelings around end-of-life issues and preferences.

A Vision of Twilight provides a creative outlet for exploring one’s questions and experiences about end-of-life planning and care. The journal prompts invite reflection on some of the practical specifics involved, as well as some of the emotional aspects of nearing the twilight of our lives. The mandalas and abstract patterns offer a means to disengage from concerns and fears, allowing the mind and senses to flow with colors, creative acceptance, and self-discovery.

A Vision of Twilight is a quiet, supportive, and portable ally, encouraging meaningful planning, discovering inner stillness, and finding comfort in one’s decisions.

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